Sleep in Media - August 2011August 31, 2011 Time Magazine Online - Healthland"Study: Breast-Feeding Moms Get Just as Much (or Little) Rest as Formula-Feeders" - The study results showed that all of the mothers slept the same amount and felt equally as tired. "Post-Thanksgiving Travel? Blame Jet Lag for Your Memory Loss" - Scientists have found that jet lag can cause cognitive impairment for up to a month after travel. The New York Times - Well Blog"Lack of Deep Sleep Tied to Hypertension" - The link between hypertension and sleep apnea has long been known, but a new study suggests that the same may be true for too little slow-wave sleep. CNN - The Chart"Get Some Sleep: Back-to-school bedtimes" - Tips on establishing a healthy sleep routine for the upcoming school year. "Get Some Sleep: Daily headaches? How are you sleeping?" - A blog posting about sleep disorders and the prevalence of headaches. MSNBC Online"Child has sleep problems? Your doc may be little help" - A study conducted by researchers at the Children's Pulmonary/Sleep Center in Toledo, Ohio found that few doctors have had any formal training on sleep disorders.
August 29, 2011 The Toronto Star"You Docs: The 6 things that make you gain weight, ... When naps are healthy" - You Docs dispenses daily tips on weight loss and healthy living. The last tip on this webpage advises on the best way to nap. "How to survive sleeping with a snorer" - An article about the effects snoring can have on a couple. BBC - The Ouch Blog"A day in the life of: Scott Jordan-Harris" - Mr.Jordan-Harris shares how he copes day-to-day with chronic fatigue syndrome. TED Blog"Watch 'Sleep', Eric Whitacre's new work with 2,000 voices" - Composer and conductor Eric Whitacre created this video showcasing his new choral song "Sleep". The choir is made up of 2,000 singers linked together via Youtube. The Economist Online"Time Use: A day in the life" - A visual breakdown of the time people spend doing daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, working, cleaning, around the world. "Good night phone" - Babbage, a science and technology blog, outlines the results of a survey about technology use (cell phones, blackberrys, iPads, etc) and how that is effecting sleep habits.
August 26, 2011 Here are two short videos from the TED Conference website with sleep as the main theme. TED is a non-profit organization which brings together people from the fields of Technology, Entertainment and Design to share ideas at their twice yearly conferences, along with many other projects: "Jessa Gamble: Our natural sleep cycle" "Arianna Huffington: How to succeed? Get more sleep" BBC News"Electronic tattoo 'could revolutionize patient monitoring'" - A wireless, solar driven, thinner-than-a-human-hair sensor which monitors patients' hearts and brains, has been created. Researchers say it could be used to monitor patients with sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. The Globe and Mail"Graveyard shifts may raise disease risk, studies say" - While the specific reasons why shift work and declining health are linked is unknown, researchers think it may be linked to melatonin production. "Do vegans sleep better?" - Is a diet high in greens or the side-effect of a healthy lifestyle that has vegans sleeping better? "Does eating spicy foods affect your sleep?" - A look at different ways herbs and spices can effect sleep.
August 24, 2011 Seattle PI Website"Sleep Apnea Linked to Memory Loss and Dementia" - A study has linked sleep apnea with higher risks of developing dementia in older patients. The Huffington Post"Sleep Apnea Causes Dementia? What You Can Do To Avoid Both" - This article makes reference to the same study as the Seattle PI article above. The author of this article takes a more balanced approach. After outlining the weak points of the study and explaining how sleep apnea can cause dementia, he goes on to suggest ways to decrease risk earlier in life. BBC Website"Destroying deadly tsetse fly sleeping sickness parasite" - Scientists are attempting to kill sleeping sickness causing parasites in the blood of tsetse flies using genetically engineered bacteria. "Call for lorry drivers to have sleep disorder tests" "Sweet dreams? 'Sleep Box' opens at Moscow airport" - A BBC news video clip showing an ingenious new idea for a private nap near the boarding gate. "Waves of sleep wash over seagulls" - A Canadian scientist has uncovered the social basis of seagull sleep, with individual seagulls deciding it is safe to sleep when they see their flock-mates sleeping. Science: Human Mind and Body - Sleep Website - The BBC Science website has gathered fun and informative sleep-themed websites which include: quizzes about your sleep profile and sleep myths, information about sleep and sleep disorders, games testing reaction times.
August 22, 2011 CBC Radio"Not enough sleep?" - A podcast from the CBC morning show from Montreal talking about the sleep habits of school-aged children and why many are sleep deprived. The podcast tells of a pilot project, Sleep for Success, launched at an elementary school in Brossard instructing kids on the importance on sleep using storybooks and comic books. The Opinionator (The New York Times Online)"How to Sleep on a Plane" - Perhaps, the author should have entitled the article, "Zen and the Art of Sleeping on a Plane". Los Alamitos - Seal Beach Patch"Your Teen Isn't Getting Enough Sleep" - An article filled with facts about sleep and tips for getting your teen ready to go back to school. Science Network Western Australia"‘Actiwatches’ now used for sleep monitoring" - University of Western Australia's Centre for Sleep Science has started using Actiwatches to monitor the sleep and activity of sleep study patients. The Telegraph"Swine flu infections trigger narcolepsy, not vaccine, says study" - Researchers from Stanford Medical School suggest that narcolepsy is more likly to be caused by airway infections, such as H1N1 (Swine Flu), than by vaccines taken to prevent them.
August 19, 2011 New Scientist Online - Blog: One Per Cent"Can video games quell nightmares?" - Soldiers who routinely played video games containing war and combat content, reported feeling less helpless during violent dreams than study participants who played less often. CBC Radio 2"Live Right Now - Sleep: If you don't snooze, you lose" - Two podcasts from the CBC Radio 2 Morning Show featuring stories broacast during their sleep themed week. The first tells about singer-songwriter Chris Kirby's experiment with nature sounds put to music to help him relax and get to sleep after a late night. The second story is about Tony Wright, a sleep researcher who in teh name of science stayed awake for 11 days. Belfast Telegraph Website"Is snoring wrecking your marriage?" - An article about the negative effects snoring can have on everyday life and how people are dealing with it. The Atlantic Website"'Where Children Sleep': A Round-the-World Tour of Bedrooms" - 'Where Children Sleep' is a remarkably powerful photographic series and book produced by documentary photographer James Mollison showing the bedrooms of children around the world. "Your Brain on Sleep" - A snippet about dreaming and nightmares from The Daily Dish blog. The Independent website"Sleep problems tied to erectile dysfunction and incontinence" - Outlining two studies released at the American Urological Association annual meeting in May 2011.
Aug 17, 2011 CBC News and Radio Website"Our Health Columnist Talks Sleep" - A podcast from the CBC Radio program Information Morning St.John. "Teens drive better with more sleep: study" - Study suggests that students with later class start times have fewer car accidents because they get more sleep and are more alert. "TV at night tied to poor preschoolers' sleep" - This article outlines a study that found preschoolers that watch tv with any violent content, even cartoons, may have their sleep effected. "Parent Project/How To Get Your Kid To Sleep" - A podcast from CBC radio program On The Coast from BC, talks with the host and his wife about their young son's sleeping habits. "Work fatigue worst for 11 p.m. shift: study" - How work shift start-times can affect alertness and wakefulness throughout the shift.
August 15, 2011 "Insomnia, sleep problems common in cancer patients" - Cancer patients in early stages of treatment have increased rates of insomnia and fatigue. The Guardian"Family under the microscope: How teenagers lose sleep over their school days" - An article about the negative effects early school day start times are having on adolescents sleep. The Good Sleep Handbook - This was a feature section in late January 2011. The website has a range of interactive items related to sleep: articles about sleep disorders, improving sleep, sleep myths and insomnia, it also has links to a meditation podcast to aid in relaxation before bedtime. "Can dreams predict the future?" - In an excerpt from his book Paranormality, psychologist Richard Wiseman seeks to explain why people beleive they have seen the future in their dreams. (There are three sections taken from the book, only the first section is about dreaming. However, the other two sections are equally interesting.) "Sleep deprivation increases stroke and heart disease risk" - The article is as ominous as the title suggests. Despite a very large number of subjects in many countries over a long period of time, the reason why sleep deprivation is detrimental to the circulatory system is not really known.
August 12, 2011 The Guardian websiteScience Weekly Podcast: "The science of sleep and circadian rhythms" "Bring back the night - your health and wellbeing depend on it" - The author, Prof. Russell Foster explains the role of circadian rhythms in our life. "Sleep changes associated with loss of brain power in middle age" - A study was carried out to chart the sleep changes in middle aged people and between two test periods of time. The researchers found that some participants that required more or less sleep (than the average 6 to 7 hours per night) in the second test period showed poorer cognitive performance. "The science of sleep: hope for narcolepsy sufferers" - Despite this article being from November 2010, I wanted to include it because it consolidates advances in narcolpesy research during that year. "An afternoon nap is good for your health" - A short article mixed with science and humour. "Link found between stillbirth and sleeping position in pregnancy" - Researchers from New Zealand have hinted that the risk of having a stillbirth pregnancy is reduced if a mother sleeps on her left side the night before delivery. Authors say more study is needed. "The history of sleep science" - A bulleted list of sleep science historical markers. Very interesting and well done. "Dream meal: Food to make you sleep" - A chef in Spain, where the author lives, cooks up a menu made to foster sleep. "Duckie's Lullaby: a snoozefest" - The aim of this stage production in London is to get the audience to sleep, complete with pajamas, comfy beds, music and warm beverages.
August 10, 2011 The New York Times Website"We Three Things | Slumber Party" - This is a blog posting from 'We Three Things' part of the 'T Magazine' website. Insomnia was never so fluffy and enjoyable. "Opinionator Blog - All Nighters" - This was a short-lived blog showcasing how contributors lives' have been affected by insomnia. CBC NEWS website"Health benefits of sleep" - This is an older article (Dec 2010) but it has a lot of good information in one place, from science to sleep postion statistics.
August 8, 2011 The Toronto Star website"The day has 24 hours — unless you're a woman, study finds" - Overview of a study that found approximately 35% of women have a circadian rhythm slightly less than 24 hours. "Sweet dreams are made of cheese?" - An entertaining article about how different foods effect dreaming, if they indeed do, with an emphasis placed on cheese. "Kill the lights to keep melatonin flowing" - An informative article which explains the effect of lights and electronics on melatonin production. Dr.Shapiro is quoted in this article. "Walking in your sleep? Blame your family" - The genetic basis of sleep walking has been associated with 20 chromosome. "YouDocs: Five snacks for better sleep" "Can dentists give relief to snorers — and their bed mates?" - An in-mouth device that is used aid airflow while sleeping and decrease snoring. While it is not as effective as a CPAP machine in treating sleep apnea, many find there is some benefit The Independent Website"Why tired gamblers are the biggest winners – and losers" - Sleep deprivation changes the perception of the outcome, making the decision maker less cautious. Specifially, they lose the fear of a possible negative outcome and behave more recklessly.
Aug 5, 2011 Maclean's Magazine"The secret to training kids to sleep" - The authors of this article do not advocate for any specific sleep training method but insist that the timing is more important. "Interview with Eluned Summers-Bremner" - When this interview was conducted in March of 2008, Ms.Summers-Bremner had just released the book, Insomnia: A Cultural History. Albiet long, this is a great interview about sleep habits in a historical context. The Independent Website (newspaper)"Baby whisperer: Crying out for sleep" - The author recounts her experience of using a Baby Whisperer, when her infant son would not sleep through the night. Baby sleep tips are also listed at the end the article. "Researchers devise sleep cap to cure insomnia" - A cap which cools the frontal cortex of the brain has been shown to help people with insomnia to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. "Lack of sleep can make you overly optimistic: study" - A study looking at sleep deprivation and its effects on gamblers.
August 1, 2011 BBC Website"Clue to getting a good night's sleep discovered" - This article highlights a study which seeks to explain why some people sleep better in noisy environments. The researchers found that study participants with more 'sleep spindles' present in an EEG during a quiet nights sleep, were more likely to sleep better through two successive noisy nights. Scientific American Website"Rocking Increases Brain Activity Associated with Sleep" - This is a 60-second podcast as well as the transcription beneath it. Research participants that took naps on a rocking bed fell asleep faster and had increased N2 sleep and deep-sleep-associated brain activity. "Outsmarting Sleep Loss: A tired brain struggles when faced with too many choices" - Short article about sleep deprivation and how that effects decision-making skills. "Blind Fish Sleep Less, Forage More" Blind cave-dwelling fish need much less sleep than their above-ground relatives. -
"The Science Behind Dreaming: New research sheds light on how and why we remember dreams--and what purpose they are likely to serve"This is an easy to understand article about recent dream research.