Sleep in Media - November 2012

November 29, 2012

"You may be victim of `semi-somnia`" (The Times of India)

"You may need less sleep than you think, or not" (The Japan Times)

"U.S. kids getting recommended amount of sleep: study" (Reuters)

"The link between caffeine and insomnia" (Yahoo Lifestyle)

"Officials Warn Against Baby Sleep Positioners" (The New York Times)


November 26, 2012

"New solution for the always sleepy" (Stuff New Zealand)

"Disorder causes lawyer to sleep up to 18 hours a day" (MSNBC Today)

"Parkinson's Gift of Insomnia" (The Huffington Post)

"Can’t Sleep? Try Music To Treat Your Insomnia" (Red Orbit)

"Muscle Paralysis In Dreaming Sleep, Mechanism Identified" (Medical News Today)


November 23, 2012

"Players' sleeping habits could impact Grey Cup outcome" (Canada AM)  

"Meet Re-Timer, a Weapon to Combat Jet Lag?" (Wall Street Journal)

"Yawning Begins Early, Though No One Is Sure Why" (The New York Times)

"Sleeping Pill Linked to Hospital Falls, Researchers Say" (U.S. News and World Report)

"Sleep Well: Replace negative thoughts with positive ones to improve insomnia" (Arizona Daily Sun)

"Sea slugs have a sleep cycle, too" (Union Leader)

"Real-life teen 'Sleeping Beauty' sleeps 19 hours a day" (Today)

"Why lack of sleep may trigger arthritis - but treating insomnia may improve the condition" (Daily Mail)

"Parent Traps: Put sleep deprivation to bed" (The Vancouver Sun)


November 14, 2012

"The Pitfalls of Working From Bed" (Wall Street Journal) - In this video, productivity experts explain the negative aspects of working from the bedroom.

"Blind often afflicted with rare sleep disorder" (The Boston Globe)

"The Kid's Doctor: Babies & Sleep" (

"Twelve Tips for Better Sleep" (The Huffington Post)

"Reasons Mommy Drinks #81: Sleep training" (Metro)


November 12, 2012

"How to handle bedtime battles with your child" (Canadian Living)

"Unstoppable Babies - Excited to Be Alive" (Discover Magazine)

"How to improve your sleep" (The Telegraph)

"The Science Behind Our Strange, Spooky Dreams" (Live Science)

"CHP [California Highway Patrol] launches campaign to fight driver drowsiness"  (Mercury News)


November 9, 2012

"Forgetfulness in seniors tied to anxiety and insomnia drugs" (CBC News)

"Top tips for baby and mum's best night sleep" (Crookwell Gazette)

"Family Health: Sleep necessary to ward off unhealthy conditions" (The Missoulian)

"Study: Energy drinks cause sleep problems in U.S. combat troops" (Fox News)  

"The sleep of the just after?" (The Westender)


November 7, 2012

"Insomnia Doubles Risk of Heart Attack, Stroke in Study" (Bloomberg Business Week)

"Music for a sound sleep" (Minneapolis Star Tribune) - Learning to play the didgeridoo as treatment for sleep apnea.  

"A dangerous mix: Driving and sleeping pills" (

"Insomnia Costs $31.1 Billion In Workplace Errors And Accidents Each Year: Study" (The Huffington Post)

"Breastfeeding and co-sleeping with baby affects mom's welfare (Fox News)


November 5, 2012

"Shorting yourself on shut-eye bad for health, potentially deadly, founder of clinic warns" (Winnipeg Free Press)

"More risk of sleep disturbance near wind turbines, study says" (The Windsor Star)

"How to beat insomnia and sleep easy" (The Guardian)

"Electronic Nose Could Aid In Sleep Apnea Diagnosis, Study Finds" (The Huffington Post)

"Lack of sleep makes men hungrier and prevents women feeling full" (The Telegraph)

"Women take the best side in bed: More than one in ten couples argue over where they sleep" (Daily Mail)


November 2, 2012

"How can I cure my insomnia?" (The Telegraph)

"Can A Safer Ambien Make Billions? Merck Aims To Find Out" (Forbes)

"The Doctor Is In: Sleep well for the rest of your life" (Naples News)

"End of Daylight Saving Time fills insomniacs with dread" (The Ottawa Citizen) 

"Fall back: How to stay cheerful, alert as we lose a daylight hour" (CBC News)

"Dietitian: Healthy snacks to help you get restful sleep" (Kentucky Post)  

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